Meet the Owner

Sarah de Guia
Certified Pilates Instructor

Owner, Sarah de Guia

“I believe in society today we have gotten away from actually ‘living’ in our bodies day to day. I have a passion for engaging my clients in body awareness, teaching them techniques to improve posture and maintain good back health. And, whether fit or just getting back into fitness, the Pilates method is excellent to increase overall strength and flexibility. Dedicate some time to moving mindfully in session, then you can integrate that into your daily living.”

Having been involved in the fitness industry for over 16 years, Sarah became a certified Pilates Instructor in 2004 and has trained with the PhysicalMind Institute, Stott Pilates and the Pilates Institute of America as well as other recognized organizations. Sarah is a member of IDEA and has been an ACE-certified fitness professional since 1994. Faithful pursuit of continuing education through these organizations as well as other programs endorsed by the industry’s Pilates Method Alliance keeps her well rounded in the latest developments.

Sarah is also a Certified Level One Franklin Method Teacher. The Franklin Method combines scientific and anatomical analysis with movement, integrating imagery exercises that make it effective and fun. It can be used for specific performance enhancement as well as a tool to improve overall fitness and body awareness.