
“This was my first experience with Pilates. What surprised me, is was not about pushing the limits. It was more about body-sculpting and discovering about how much my body can achieve just through conscious movement. It was really eye-opening!”  – Jarmila

“I had read a lot about Pilates and a friend recommended me to Sarah. I was particularly interested in Pilates as I knew my core was weak and causing lower back pain issues. I wanted the one-on-one sessions to help identify my main weaknesses and have custom workout geared towards my specific needs. Now that I’ve been doing Pilates I have virtually no lower back issues. I am so much stronger and motivated to lead a more active lifestyle. I have been seeking a personal trainer for quite some time, and I feel I have found the best! Sarah is caring and motivating. She has helped me tremendously! – Kathy

“I had no idea when I started how badly my posture had deteriorated. The instructor gave me keys to focus on which almost immediately helped improve the situation.  She was extremely patient at helping me understand the Pilates Fundamentals.” – Diane

 “I have a better awareness of my body since taking private lessons at Embody Movement. I can tell myself to engage the abs to do certain things and my breathing is more controlled. Sarah takes pride in each and every client. I have taken mat classes from her and private lessons. They both are good but I really prefer the private lessons.It does show in my body that Pilates makes a difference in how I feel and how I look. At first it was hard work but when I see how I can do the exercises more confidently each week it is worth the effort I put into it”. – Barbara

“I am amazed how Pilates has made a difference in my body. I’ve seen greatly increased strength and no longer feel stress in my lower back and hips. I didn’t expect it, but I also dropped two pant sizes in 8 sessions.”  – Jessica